Dave Klingler's HSEP mini Reunion Home Page

Class of 1981 et al... "beersinthecar" Beach Party


Wooooo Hoooo !!!!!  It's finally here!!!!!!

It is official now ...  Jackson House is the location ...  see the Agenda ...

We do not get to the house until approx 4:30pm Friday...after that ... you can call us there at 409-737-9957 

To add information and talk to the rest of us, click on "Active Discussion" and post a new message.  Refresh often.


Monica Lund's bio ...

Dave: It's a lot, but here's my take on my life,

For those of you who think a person's job is their
identity, I work for a quasi government agency the
Farm Credit Bank of Texas as an internal auditor. I'm
not one of the fortunate ones who is doing what they
absolutely LOVE! I like my job, but as an internal
auditor we find problems, but don't solve them and I
believe in solving problems, ya know? That part of my
job leaves me unfulfilled professionally.

Personally, I'm always complaining that work is
getting in the way of my personal life. I'm extremely
busy, and here's how: 

I've just been promoted to the level of brown belt in
my martial arts discipline. I got into it purely by
accident, as a favor to someone else, and loved it. I
really enjoy the way it rebuilds me from the inside
out. Each class. It's quite hard on my body at
times, but I try to ignore it because I enjoy the
whole mental aspect of it. Martial arts haven't been
around for thousands of years for nothing! Anyway,
I'm not a freak about it (like Steven Segal), I'm more
a Jackie Chan, but no where near as good.

I'm very involved with the Austin Film Festival. I'm
and independent film fanatic, so watch out! I just
got signed on to be a reader (judge) for the
Screenwriter's competition this year and have so far
read about 90 scripts, and still going. It's quite
interesting and very thrilling for me. I got to meet
some of my favorite screenwriter's at the festival
last year and hope to do a repeat this year.

Which brings me to my first love: writing. I've
written two feature length screenplays, and have two
more in the works with ideas for dozens more. My
ultimate goal however, is to write novels. Real ones,
not those bodice rippers that are a dime a dozen. I
write prose/poetry also, but usually just for personal
stuff, like family get togethers. I'm trying to get
one brewing for the reunion. We'll see. I've also
got several ideas for children's books and would love
to get those finished and out of my head and notes. 
If I could make money at writing, that would be my
job. Maybe in the future. I always have paper, pen
and my tape recorder with me, so don't be afraid if
you see me with them, it just means I'm getting ideas
and I've gotta get 'em out of my head.

I'm still flying solo. Not by choice, it's just the
way it's worked out. I've traveled heavily and have
made and kept dear friends all over the country. I
returned to Austin, TX in March '98 after the death of
one of my VERY best friends. I've had a hard time
trying to figure out how to live here without him,
it's a daily struggle at times, but I manage. I
taught 3-5 year olds Sunday School last year, what a
challenge! So precious, though.

I don't smoke, except the occasional cigar (see
"Dusty-Where are they now" and reference to all night
poker game with the girls). Haven't had a cigar in
about four years, though. I drink socially and
rarely. Am a total beer and wine snob. Micrbrews and
imports on the beer side for me. Don't even get me
started on wine! I guess the rarely will go out the
window next weekend. Not used to having a drink two
days in a row!

Looking forward to seeing everyone. I hope we still
keep in touch after as well as we have been these past
couple of weeks.